
The village of Dervaig is situated in the north of the Island of Mull. Dervaig Primary School serves the village of Dervaig and surrounding areas. It is a non-denominational and co-educational school. Current staffing of 1.9FTE provides opportunities for team teaching across the stages.

The school building comprises of a classroom for whole school activities/P5-7 teaching area, a teaching area for P1-4/resource area, office/staffroom, and a small kitchen. Meals are not cooked on the premises but transported from Salen School Kitchen. The building has been adapted to conform to the Disability Discrimination Act regulations.

The school is well supported by the Area Network Support Team. It also has an active and supportive Parent Council and has close links with various local community groups.

Contact Us

Head Teacher:
Patricia Evans

Isle of Mull
PA75 6QW

01688 400227
